Event created by prams13
Hi everyone. I just wanted to get the word out about 9/14/24. My name is PJ. I'm a retired combat veteran putting my focus on advocating for veterans mental health and suicide prevention. We will have a marine event going on from Grosse Ile Yacht Club to the Detroit River Light House. Approx times from 0800-2:00pm returning from the light by boats. We will have swimmers (upwards of 25) swimming in this fundraiser that benefits the www.stepupfoundation.org . we pretty much follow the international border line and dog leg to the light house. More of the route and event at www.stepupswim.org as well as a video capture of last year. The swimmer lane will be marked by 7' triangle inflatable triangle buoys being set out around 630 a.m. the morning of 9/14/24. All swimmers will have an inflatable swim buoy around their waste and a safety kayak along side them. The big 7' buoys will be picked up by 3pm that same day. Thank you all and hope your summer is going well. attached is our recap video from last year. Any questions please reach out to pj@stepupfoundation.org . We do have several Local / State and federal agencies in support of this cause. Thank you for your time.
PJ http://www.stepupswim.org2023 FYWH Rcap.pdf2023 FYWH Rcap.pdf2023 FYWH Rcap.pdf
Edited by prams13